How To Start An Internet Business - Resources & Information!The Basics For Internet Business StartupStarting and running an internet business is NOT easy - regardless of the many "get rich" schemes you see all over the Internet today. It takes hard work and diligence to keep an Internet business growing and sucessful. Even when you succeed with one venture, many "trends" fade out quickly. You have to keep "on top" of the new trends, and keep up with the demands. I don't know how many times I've taken down old products and services and started new ones. It's a fast-paced world on the 'Net. Things move so fast that most people feel they have to do it all right now. In reality, "doing it all" can really cost you. In fact, that's the bigest mistake I see with new internet business entrepreneurs - trying to do too much at one time. I made this mistake myself when I started out 5 years ago. It's an easy mistake to make with all the new products and services popping up all over the place... each with a new promise to make you rich. It's easy to get "sucked" into the promises, You must stay focused to succeed. Rule #1 - Start with a core product or service. Then, do two more things. Follow our "8-Step Formula For Website Success" below. You'll be up and running the RIGHT way in no time flat! Step One - Decide What To Sell The best products I've found to tell online are information products. These come in the form of reports, eBooks, manuals etc. Why information Products? Three main reasons:
Don't have your own product? No problem! There are many eBook authors and internet business entrepreneurs that offer resale rights to their products. I suggest you start here first. I would not suggest creating your own product to start off with. You need to learn and work through the "marketing process" before you spend countless hours and a ton of energy developing your own product - which may or may NOT pay off if you don't market it correctly. However... the information in "The Public Domain Report" will show you how to create your own eBook without having to write it! There is free material everywhere IF you know where to look. This can be a real time saver for when you are ready to creat your own product. For now, you can find many products with resale rights on our Resale Rights Section. Start with one product first... or may be start with the "Resale Rights Secrets" Or, "Niche Products Power Pack". You get the resale rights to TONS of eBooks and software products in one package. Choose the one you want to start with first and work from there. Step Two - Create a Professonal Website I'm sure you've seen those amateurish sites (often on a free host) that toss up a dozen pop-up banners. Ooops... did I offend you, maybe? Is YOUR site like that? Don't worry, I did the same thing. It doesn't work. Scrap that now. Free hosts are real downgrade to your professionalism. Your site is the only salesperson you have. It must give a positive, professional, trustworthy impression to your visitors or you aren't likely to sell one single thing. Step Three - Get The Right Domain Names Getting your own domain name and Web host is easy and doesn't have to cost a lot. You can get a domain name (also called URL or Web address) for as litle as $8.95 at GoDady. Your domain name will need to match (or come close to) the name of the product or service you'll be promoting if at all possible.
Once You get your domain, you'll need hosting account. Let me rephrase that... you'll need quality, reliable hosting. While there are many hosts out there (too many to count), quality and reliability play a major role. Your host controls your site. Yes, you may have designed it, you may own it, but - without a reliable host to keep it up on the 'Net where customers can find it - you'll be out of business and fast! I highly recommend using "ThirdSphere Hosting." They allow unlimited subdomain names that point to different directories and 500 megabytes of disk space which is more than you'll ever need hosting mini-sites. You even get resale rights (with Pre-made websites) to some hot selling info products when you host with them.
If you are new to HTML, then you might want to take a quick tutorial. Go to: http://www.werbach.com/barebones/download.html To create your website, you will need a good HTML editor. I use Macromedia Dreamweaver, and I highly suggest this product to everyone... whether you are just starting out (very easy to learn and use) or you're a more experienced webmaster like myself. It has TONS of features and shortcuts that can make your website building and editing much quicker. You
can download a free trial here: It is quite costly for begineers ($199). You may want to try something free to start with. If that's the case, try Arachnophilia. Many products with resale rights contain pre-made webpage templates. You can use HTML editor to edit payment links, contact information, etc. I don't recommend trying to build your own site at first. It's a "tricky" feat to make a webpage that sells. Design is your first impression and can ultimately affect the decision of the prospect to buy your product or service, or click away. You have to be careful. As you observe what others are doing, you will learn more and more. As you use the pre-made sites that come with products that are "proven sellers" you will also find certain principles put into use over and over. In the interest of time, however, I'd suggest using the premade pages to start with.
Copywriting is another vital area of your online business. "Welcome to my website. I can save you time and money," just won't cut it. With all the competition out there , you have to get inside the mind of your customer. You have to understand that most buying decisions are emotional - not logical. You have to know what keeps your customer up until 2 a.m. And... you have to know how to solve their problems. Want to rank high in the search engines? That's another area where copywriting plays a major role! Almost all elements of search engine Optimization are based on copy. While - at first - you'll be using the copy provided by the owner of the product you'll be reselling, eventually, you'll need to have these skills for yourself to create your own website copy (or ezine ad copy, or brochure copy, etc.) Can't do all that? Then you have two choices. You can hire a professional copywriter or you can learn to write it yourself. My suggestion is to browse our Copywriting Section or take a look at "Sales Letters Builder" Or "Online Copywriting Video Lesson."
Start accepting credit cards and watch your profits soar. Nothing could be simpler... or is it? It can all get extremely confusing. Merchant accounts and payment services can open a world of new business for your company. They can provide a very convenient way for your clients to pay - and for YOU to get your money.
Advertising is essential to growing a business. Just because you upload your site to the worldwide web, does NOT mean you'll be bombarded with sales immediately. It takes planning and hard work to get visitors to your site. And, Yes... I'll be the first to admit that it can be costly. If you're promoting an information product (your own or an affiliate sale), here are some of the top ways to advertise your offer:
That's it! These are the 8 simple steps to setting up your internet business. What comes next? Learning to market your site and your products. Recommended Readings:
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