Louis Allport Dear Internet Friend, How does the thought of turning 30 cents into $50 (or even much more) in seven days or less sound to you? Perhaps it sounds ridiculous or even impossible. But it has in fact already been done many, many times -- and much more easily than you may think. Here's how: 30 cents is all it costs to list on eBay (as I write this). You could be listing anything:
Post it up on eBay, start the auction ... and watch in amazement as people start frantically bidding for your item! How I Turned 30 Cents Into $12.50 ...I've sold items on eBay that have cost me literally nothing -- all I was selling was electrons ... well, ebooks to be exact. I paid for the ebook originally of course, but I now owned rights to it, had made my money back with previous auctions, and now it cost me absolutely nothing. I plunked down my 30 cents for the listing and seven days later I sold the ebook for $12.50. A very nice return on investment I'm sure you'll agree. Now of course I don't always make that much with my auctions. Sometimes I make less, but sometimes I make much more. Perhaps you're thinking "That's great Louis, but $12.50 a week is hardly worth writing home about". Well, it's not a huge amount ... that's certainly true. But start listing ten of those items a week, and we start getting into more serious money: $125.00 for very part time effort is a great start. Or imagine listing 100 auctions a week... How does $1,250.00 in part-time income... every single week sound to you?! How To Sell A Nuclear Submarine On eBay ...Even though the return on investment when it comes to ebooks is great, you can sell pretty much anything on eBay. With the tens of millions of visitors eBay receives every single month ... I'm sure just one of those people will be interested in whatever you happen to be auctioning. Just listen to this true story: Someone recently auctioned a nuclear submarine on eBay. Yes -- unbelievable but true! eBay did pull the auction since it was in fact illegal, but before the auction was pulled the submarine was receiving bids into the six figures! I heard that story from a guy called Jim Wilson. He's a very experienced eBay seller: Introducing Jim Wilson ...Since 1999, Jim has been making a great part-time income on eBay. He certainly doesn't consider himself a 'guru'. He's just a normal guy, like the rest of us, who just happens to know exactly how to make money on eBay. Very good money in fact. Literally on demand. His day job is actually as a Firefighter Paramedic. He spends a couple of days a week selling on eBay... and that's all it takes for him to make a great second income. And best of all: he's very open about exactly how he runs his business. He loves teaching others how to make money on eBay too... And I was lucky enough to speak with Jim for a full 90 minutes recently, picking his brains about every single aspect of his eBay business. And I'm making every single word available to you. Here is just a taster of what you'll discover:
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