is Paul Barrs ...
lives on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland Australia, with
his three children Tiffanie, Tobi, and Taylor. As a single
father, Paul found it was essential be able to work from home.
In his early thirties, he has been fortunate to be involved
with many different businesses, and projects. Originally as
an employee, Paul excelled in all areas of management and
He has worked as a Manager with Pizza Hut and Woolworths,
overseeing as many as 80 staff, and as a Corporate Fleet Sales
Consultant for a major Motor Dealer.
Prior to his involvement in business, during the early years
of his career, Paul completed a Bachelor of Creative Arts
Degree with the University of Wollongong, where he studied
theater performance and writing. He has performed in both
live theater, film and radio - in almost all major cities
of Australia, plus Canada and the USA. He has been on the
board of directors of performing Arts Companies and festivals,
and had also been a co-founder of his own theater events company.
So why did he turn to business? His answer is simple: to be
able to spend more time with his children.
Paul now runs a successful Home
Based Business as a Business Coach, teaching other budding
Home Business Operators how to get started towards their own
profitable Business Adventure.
Through lessons of necessity, and an extensive 500 book in
house library, Paul has developed the skill to provide new
business people with the technical know-how and resources
to steer their business in the right direction - the First
In a recent interview, when asked why he turned to web-based
training, he replied,
Internet gives the home business operator the ability to leverage
their time in a way that is not possible with conventional
business or training.
We've put together a training site of massive proportions.
I know from years of research, that there is nothing else
like in the world. It really is a one stop shop for home
business education, and with the future interactive training
programs we've have planned, we will be able to take our clients
right through from start up to success and completion."
Off-line, Paul has also served as President of the Home
Front Business Association Inc. (The Association for
Home Based Businesses).
He has established relationships with many small business
people in his local area - where he offers affordable access
to custom Voice mail / Fax Back systems, Joint Venture Marketing
Strategies, Web Development,
and hands on Business strategy training.
With over ten years experience in Public Speaking, Paul is
an accomplished Trainer, Motivator and entertainer. By accessing
the combined Power and Wealth of his own personal library,
Paul is able to bring strength to any business forum or training
What does the future hold for this young man? Well, he prays
that he should be granted long life, along with his family,
and those that he loves.
And should you learn nothing from visiting his extensive web
based training site, Paul would ask that you learn to understand
this quote from a recent seminar ….
without Action
Is for the Uneducated."
- Paul Barrs
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